Wednesday, March 17, 2010 8:24 PM

Moving to...

Friday, March 5, 2010 8:58 PM

I was reading guitar forums..and they were discussing about certain guitar resale values..
Here's whats interesting that some guy posted.

" Guitarists are weird creatures.
They don't think about resale value when they buy a $15,000 car, but they think about resale value when they buy a $1000 guitar.

Meanwhile the car loses $1000 in value the minute you drive it out the showroom, and drops in value daily after you've bought it.
Eventually it lands up on a scrapheap or for sale in a "Used" car lot for 10% of it's original value, meanwhile you're still playing the $1000 guitar. "
Wednesday, March 3, 2010 6:53 PM

shit this guy put me to shame.

at first i thought it was fake since its literally impossible.
but he did it ...

EVH recorded this solo for Michael Jackson's "Beat It"
Monday, March 1, 2010 8:49 PM

Recorded something...It's only 1min+ long though.

Here's my old recording...
Monday, February 8, 2010 9:11 PM

Today's presentation was pretty good i guess.
no major screwups or whatsoever.
I think my team members did pretty well, though they dont think so..

Anyway after presentation, i went home. It was only like 3pm.
Decided to ask james out for pool & some shopping.
I bought spade clothes again
mmm..i'm thinking of buying from volta...but it's freaking far..Grand Cathay there.
So anyway..after we left the shop, james kept commenting that the sales girl is cute & pretty -.-

Went to play pool after that..for an 1hr+
then ate at BK...

oh btw, don't ever ever ever walk along the basketball court near pioneer MRT..
Its FREAAKINGGGGGG smelly. Even the banglas couldn't take it.
Its like shit smell, but x10 of that fragrance.
I almost puked out my BK on the spot.
I had to RUN to the MRT! so just imagine.

Moments ago, my dad just complained again..that my wardrobe is bigger than his. lol

Paul Lim
Birthday: 19 Oct
School: Ngee Ann poly
Course: IT


